Nina M Cunningham, EdD
Founder/Chief Executive Officer
I am Dr. Nina M. Cunningham, an Educator and Education Consultant with over 30 years of experience teaching, consulting and managing academic programs from preschool to college level. In 2021, I was determined not to see three of my four-year-old grandchildren sit out a full year of school because their birthdays come in September - after the start of public school. So, after much thought, I put the Nana in N.A.N.A. (Necessary Academics for Next-level Achievement) SCHOOL.
I have always sought to inspire young and seasoned individuals to strive to exact positive change in their personal life and our society. I believe change only comes when first, there is the belief that it is needed and second, when there is a major input of effort. I am an advocate for constant self-reflection; for it is then when our most powerful change occurs.
From My View
I am a team leader and coach in this game called life; never a "boss"- someone's master or slave driver. I am a partner in a profession, never a burden. I constantly strive to be that collaborative, forward-thinking, and resourceful visionary for my family, friends, colleagues, employees, and customers. I don't compete against you; I don't have to. Instead, I focus on the team effort, and I work with you to beat the odds, eliminate the issues, and attain the goals.